Relationship counselling: from crisis to connection

Hello, my name is Dr Thomas Dellmann. I provide Relationship Counselling in Melbourne helping you (and your partner) to repair your relationship and overcome difficulties, such as poor communication, big arguments, sexual problems, or recovery from an affair. With a Doctorate in Counselling, I am highly trained and well experienced having counselled couples since 2005. Relationship Counselling Victoria is located West Footscray, in the Inner West of Melbourne.
Don’t give up on love
I know how emotionally stressful and draining relationship difficulties can be for you both. Helping you understand, resolve and giving you the tools to move forward is where my professional expertise lies. Unfortunately, many counsellors and psychologists offer marriage counselling without having undergone proper training in relationship counselling, and are causing more harm than good
Because couples counselling is a very specialised field, I am specifically trained and certified in Emotionally Focused therapy (EFT): this non-judgmental and evidence-based method has a 86% improvement rate at the end of counselling and one year later 75% of couples say that their relationship is still better than before counselling. Click here to read more about EFT.
I am proud to have helped over 2,000 couples find their way back to a healthy relationship since 2005. In most cases I am able to help couples in crisis quickly get to the core of their issues and begin the healing process. But sometimes couples attend counselling too late and one partner has already emotionally left the relationship.
Relationship Counselling can help
Few things in life are as hurtful as a dysfunctional or even toxic relationship. Therefore, it’s sad to see how long many couples suffer in these situations believing that there’s no help, or that they’ve tried everything. Whether there’s been one damaging event in your relationship, such as an affair, or your difficulties have grown over time, I am here to help. Relationship counselling can help you to develop the skills to overcome these difficulties. However, an objective mediator’s view and professional guidance is very important to go past the blind spots. This requires finding the root causes of your relationship issues, usually some painful emotions, and provide support and guidance to help resolve them.
Learn more about relationship counselling click here.
To contact me please call or text me on 0413276055

Interview with Dr Thomas Dellmann about Love on SBS German (in German/Auf deutsch).
Counselling sessions also offered in German.
Psychotherapie und Paarberatung auch auf deutsch
The best and most genuine counsellor who really gets to the root of the problem, and helps you achieve real results. He’s worth the money and the wait list.
Karen and John, couple in their late forties
Thomas, this is a letter of huge gratitude to you. I came to you as a single visit as I had completely exhausted all my ideas on how to have a deep relationship with my husband …. or even a happy relationship. I felt I had tried everything.
You quickly found us an appointment together and made my husband, who was very against the whole counselling idea, open up and speak his truth. In response I saw a side of him I had not seen in 26 years of marriage. With your help he learnt a lot about me and himself.
I believe you helped us so much as neither of us felt at fault but instead saw positive change that we could do for each other. It is early days but so far we are respecting each other’s options and needs far more then ever. John even suggested he would like in the future to do a refresher session as he found it so liberating to speak from the heart.
Thank you Thomas, your kindness and skills are exceptional.
Couple in their twenties
Woman: It was good to have an outsider’s objective point of view, who could see both of our perspectives. Thomas helped us by explaining the feelings beneath the surface feelings.
Man: For me is was good talking from man to man and learning how much the men’s code, of not showing vulnerability, had made me close down. Thomas provided a secure environment for me to learn to speak out and admit my vulnerable feelings. Because I was so ashamed of my angry outbursts at my wife, that I thought I was a bad person. Therefore, I would never have admitted my anger issues to my family and friends. Being able to admit this shame, and finding practical solutions, was actually a big weight off my shoulders.
Now I enjoy understanding myself and that there are reasons for my anger, based on my childhood. As a result, I have gained a lot of confidence in counselling. Above all, I now know myself and can love myself and therefore can also love my wife and also know how show it to her.
We always feel so much better after each session with Thomas